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Insurance Requirements in Mexico


What is Mexican Watercraft Liability Coverage?

Operating any watercraft in Mexico requires purchasing Mexican Watercraft Liability Coverage from an authorized Mexican-based insurer in advance.


When operating a boat in Mexico, you are required to demonstrate financial responsibility in the event of an accident, regardless of fault. Even if your domestic policy's coverage extends internationally, Mexico requires all vessels operating within its waters to purchase specific coverage written by an authorized Mexican insurer. Without carrying the necessary insurance, your vessel may be impounded and/or the operator may be incarcerated.

What's Required?

Operating a vessel in Mexico requires three forms of insurance:


1. Hull Coverage: This coverage may be satisfied through your existing policy with an attached cruising area extension.

2. Liability Coverage: This coverage must be issued by an authorized Mexican insurance provider.

3. Automobile Liability Coverage: This coverage is required if you plan to trailer your boat on land, and must be issued by an authorized Mexican insurance provider.

What's Included?

As its name suggests, Mexican Watercraft Liability Insurance is designed to protect against bodily injury and property damage sustained to third parties in the event you are involved in an accident within Mexican waters. In addition, bail bonds and legal defense are also included in this coverage.


Mexican Watercraft Liability Coverage may be purchased on the basis of a single trip duration or an annual policy.

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